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The scientific calculator EL-W531TL contains 420 mathematical functions and is especially suitable for high school students. The dot display "WriteView" allows expressions to be written and displayed in the usual mathematical expression, i.e. just like on paper. The hard plastic cover protects the calculator from scratches and falls.

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Brand Sharp
Color Black-white
Display type Point
Number of display digits 16
Power source Battery
Battery type AAA x1
Auto power-off Yes
Keys Plastic
Metal body No
Protective case Yes
Dimensions (mm) 166 x 80 x 15
EAN code 4974019887791
Number of functions €422.00
1/x, x², square root, % Yes
Pi Key Yes
Integer division with remainder No
Fraction calculations Yes
Function table No
Equation solver (Newton) No
Řešení soustav lineárních rovnic ne
Výpočty s maticemi a vektory ne
Numeric derivative and integral No
Complex numbers No
Training (DRILL) function Yes
Editing previous calculations Yes
Recall last result (ANS) Yes
Počet pamětí 9
Notation SCI, ENG, FIX Yes
Thousands separator Yes
Univariate statistics Yes
Bivariate statistics Yes
Regression models Yes
Standard deviation, arithmetic mean Yes
Combination, variation, factorial Yes
Random number generation Yes
Angle units DEG/RAD/GRAD Yes
sin, cos, tan and inverse functions Yes
Hyperbolic functions Yes
Hexadecimal/decimal conversions Yes
Cartesian/polar coordinate conversions Yes
Calculations in DEC, BIN, OCT, HEX, PEN systems Yes
Logical operators (AND, OR, NOT, NEG, XOR) Yes
Unit conversions No
Scientific constants library No
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