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With its large 132 × 64 dot matrix Write-View display, its graphing capability and slide show feature, the EL-9950G is a very flexible student companion, offering not less than 827 functions. This graphing calculator covers all the needs of highschool and university demands!

The calculator menu and operation manual is available in English language only!

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Brand Sharp
Color White-black
Packaging type Box
Display type Point
Number of display digits 22 x 8 (132 x 64 bodů)
Power source Battery
Battery type AAA x4
Auto power-off Yes
Keys Plastic
Metal body No
Protective case Yes
Dimensions (mm) 183 x 86 x 20
EAN code 4974019747644
Equation editor Yes
Editing previous calculations Yes
CAS app (Computer algebra system) No
Exam mode No
Correction Key (->) Yes
Support for accessories No
Recall last result (ANS) Yes
Number of functions €827.00
Data entry system Algebraic (D.A.L.)
p, +/–, EXP, yx, x√y, x², √, x-1 Yes
Logarithm and exponential functions Yes
Trigonometric functions Yes
Cyclometric and hyperbolic functions Yes
Factorials Yes
Random number generation Yes
Fraction calculations Yes
Fractions/Decimal Conversions Yes
Angle units DEG/RAD/GRAD Yes
Integer division with remainder Yes
Numeric derivative and integral Yes
Complex numbers Yes
Matrix calculations Yes
Programable (Solver) Yes
Financial calculations Yes
∑x,∑x2,∑y,∑y2, ∑xy Yes
Quadratic/cubic equations solver Yes
Calculations in DEC, BIN, OCT, HEX, PEN systems Yes
Logical operators (AND, OR, NOT, NEG, XOR) Yes
Statistical analysis of 1 and 2 variables Yes
Regression models Yes
Scatter plots and histograms No
Inferential statistics Yes
Probability distribution Yes
Memory 64 KB
Sub-programs, branches Yes
Functional graphs Yes
Parametric graphs Yes
Polar graphs/Sequential graphs Yes
Split screen Yes
Function Table Yes
Slideshow Yes
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